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    What is Dysport?


    Dysport is used to remove or reduce wrinkles and lines on the face.

    Dysport® and Botox®Cosmetic are do the exact same thing!

    Some offices offer one, at the Dublin or Columbus, Ohio, the Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery offers both! The choice is your – of course we will discuss both and give you our recommendations for your best treatment plan.

    Basically, like Botox®Cosmetic, Dysport® is a chemical that causes wrinkles and lines on the face to fade. You will see dramatic, real results in just a few days

    We are one to the top Botox®Cosmetic and Dysport® providers in Central, Ohio!

    The best place to have Dysport is at a plastic surgeon office because they are specifically trained to give Dysport injections. However, the most important reason is OPTIONS! Sometimes Botox® Cosmetic or Dysport® is NOT the BEST option and you NEED to KNOW that! Often places that are non-plastic surgeons or dermatologist, such as family physicians, emergency room doctors, gynecologists, and other specialties provide Dysport, but this is not what the bulk of their training was devoted to! Be safe and smart and GET GREAT RESULTS.

    Dysport is a medication that can only by injected by a medical professional, hopefully in THE BEST plastic surgeons office. It is injected into the muscle and used to improve the look of moderate to severe lines that are caused by muscles underneath the skin.

    Dysport is not surgery! There is NO RECOVERY, NO ANESTHESIA. It is a simple, nonsurgical treatment that is performed in the office, as tiny injections into the muscle. Most people are able to go back to work within an hour.

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