Numerous people have trouble spots and, as a result, they have developed their own list of plastic surgery desires.
The midsection remains a popular problem area among both men and woman alike. Among men, stubborn belly fat that surrounds the abdomen is commonly referred to as a “spare tire.” As for women, the skin that hangs over their pants is casually known as a “muffin top.” Nearly everyone strives for a flat and toned midsection. However, even with constant exercise and healthy eating, many people struggle with attaining their ideal shape.
Unfortunately, these natural methods do not always work in helping individuals achieve their body contouring goals. Two of the most popular reshaping procedures are tummy tuck surgery (“abdominoplasty”) and liposuction (“lipoplasty”). A tummy tuck helps to restore weakened or separated muscles and create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile by removing excess skin and fat. Liposuction can be used to treat many parts of the body by solely removing excess fat, including the abdomen. Often, a tummy tuck and liposuction are combined together for optimal results.
In addition to the tummy tuck procedure and liposuction, Dr. Shah offers numerous surgical options at his practice, each which are designed to build upon the body’s natural beauty. Whether you would like a better contour by getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat or would like to enhance the size of your breasts with saline or silicone breast implants, Dr. Shah is available to address your concerns. Every patient’s body is different, thereby requiring unique, individualized treatment.
Although plastic surgery does not promise perfect results, it can effectively help you reach your aesthetic goals. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Shah, our board-certified plastic surgeon, please call Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery at (614) 482-2123.