Before + After Photos

Conveniently located to serve Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland

Welcome to the Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery, where your satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities. Dr. Bivik Shah and his team of skilled and caring professionals are dedicated to providing you with the best plastic surgery care in Columbus and Dayton, Ohio. Whether you want to enhance your appearance, restore your confidence, or improve your health, we have the right solution for you.

Patient #21898 Details

Procedure:Gluteal (Butt) Augmentation with Fat Grafting (Brazilian Butt Lift)



Implant Size:{n/a}

Post-Op Photos Taken:2 months

Fat Collected:5.29 lbs

This 23 year old woman came to the Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery to enhance the appearance of her buttocks. She met with Dr. Bivik Shah and he told her about her options. Together they decided upon a Brazilian Buttock Augmentation (fat grafting to the buttocks). This operation is when a patient will have liposuction to desired areas of their own body and that fat will be injected into the buttocks. This particular patient had liposuction to her left and right flanks (love handles) and her upper back. She then had that total fat (which was 5lbs of JUST fat) injected into her bottom. The after photo was taken 2 months after surgery.

5.29 pounds