Most people do sit-ups when they’d like to get a taut tummy. However, a lot of people’s stomachs don’t respond well to sit-ups. This is especially the case when they’ve got a bit of flab that refuses to shrink down, even after plenty of exercise and dieting. In this situation, an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, could be the relief they’re looking for.
An abdominoplasty works by flattening the abdominal area by removing excess skin and fat and by tightening the remaining skin and the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Many people confuse abdominoplasty with liposuction. The surgeries are conducted in different ways and achieve different goals. Many people do opt to get liposuction in tandem with an abdominoplasty.
Who Is a Good Fit for an Abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasties are typically a good option for people who are in good overall health. Women who have gone through pregnancies opt for the surgery in order to tighten their abdominal muscles and lose excess skin.
People who have successfully gone from obese to healthy but still have a bit of excess fat or loose skin around their belly are ideal candidates for an abdominoplasty.
Preparing for an Abdominoplasty
The first part of an abdominoplasty involves meeting with your plastic surgeon for a consultation and speaking to him about your goals. Depending on your situation, the surgeon will suggest either of the following:
- Complete abdominoplasty – A complete abdominoplasty involves an incision on your abdomen from one hipbone to the other. After the incision is made, the surgeon will then contour the tissues of the area depending on the situation and your goals. A complete abdominoplasty usually moves the belly button and sometimes requires the patient to have drainage tubes under their skin for a couple of days. These drains carry out excess fluids.
- Partial abdominoplasty – People whose aesthetic issues are isolated to their lower abdomen usually receive a partial abdominoplasty. The bellybutton is usually not moved during this procedure, and the procedure takes much less time depending on the situation. The surgical session for a partial abdominoplasty usually lasts for up to two hours.
People who smoke are often advised to quit smoking in the two weeks leading up to the surgery and to continue to avoid smoking for at least two weeks following the surgery. Cutting down on smoking doesn’t work – a complete stop is required, since smoking slows healing down dramatically and amplifies the risk of complications.
The Recovery Process
Drainage tubes may be left in for a couple of days following the surgery. In addition to this, a compression garment is often worn for the duration of the recovery period. This garment helps to control post-operative swelling and ensure quality results.
Recovery time varies from person to person. It can be as short as two weeks and as long as two months depending on the person. Patients should avoid lifting heavy objects and engaging in strenuous activities like exercise and sports.
What’s the First Step?
If you’re interested in an abdominoplasty, schedule an appointment for a consultation by contacting our office. You will be able to speak with Doctor Bivik Shah, skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, regarding your concerns.