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    Achieve That Last Bit of Body Contouring with CoolSculpting

    Published on July 31, 2019

    The traditional method of removing excess fat has always been liposuction surgery. This procedure offers many benefits, but it also requires downtime and comes with a risk of unwanted side effects.

    CoolSculpting is a non-surgical method to reduce excess fat. It makes use of controlled freezing to reduce fat cells. This innovative technology is non-invasive and very effective in removing excess fat from trouble areas of the body.

    How Is CoolSculpting Beneficial?

    CoolSculpting is beneficial in many ways:

    • It is non-invasive and does not require surgery to be carried out, making it highly patient-friendly.
    • It directly targets fatty tissues without harming any of other tissues.
    • It is safe and approved by the FDA for use.
    • Since there is no surgery involved, no incisions, scars, sutures, or dressings are needed.
    • It is an outpatient procedure that takes an hour to complete. After this, the patient can go back to their regular work routine.
    • It doesn’t require any recovery time.
    • There is no anesthesia needed to carry out the procedure. In fact, the patient can listen to music, rest, or even work on their laptop while the procedure is being carried out.
    • 79% of patients undergoing the procedure have seen positive results pertaining to how their clothes fit them after the treatment.

    How Is CoolSculpting Done?

    First, warming gel pads are placed on the areas targeted for fat reduction. A vacuum component draws in the tissue and holds it in place between cooling panels. The doctor carrying out the procedure then uses cooling applicators on the parts of the body that need to be contoured. This cooling helps to target and destroy fat cells.

    The technology provides a controlled cooling that only affects the fat cells and does not have any influence on the surrounding tissues, making it very safe.

    When the fat cells undergo freezing, they die. The dead fat cells are then naturally expelled from the body over time. As this occurs, the treated areas are reduced in volume.

    How Effective Is CoolSculpting?

    CoolSculpting has proven to be very effective. In one session, patients have experienced up to a 25% reduction in fat thickness.

    Over a period of two to four months, the body will filter out the destroyed fat cells, reducing the thickness of the fat layer. After this time, the effects of the procedure will become fully visible in the form of a perceptible fat reduction.

    The CoolSculpting procedure is not intended to produce dramatic results and is best used for spot contouring for patients who are already at or near their target weight. While liposuction may deliver immediate results, it comes with a higher level of risk because it is an invasive procedure. It also damages surrounding tissues, leading to the need for recovery time.

    Arrange a CoolSculpting Consultation for Yourself

    CoolSculpting is a safe, effective, and comfortable procedure that helps in fat reduction. Try this procedure for yourself – contact the office of board-certified plastic surgeon Doctor Bivik Shah and schedule a consultation.

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