Find out if you are an ideal candidate for a Brazilian Buttocks Lift in a few easy steps!
Determine if you have the features that lead to excellent results from a Brazilian Buttocks Lift.
How popular is the Brazilian Butt Lift?
The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is the 12th most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the U.S. having grown by 58% in 2013 according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This procedure utilizes fat from liposuction for fat transfer to the buttock region for shaping and augmentation of a flat or misshapen buttock region. The combination of liposuction and fat transfer to the buttock results in an enhanced silhouette. Each patient receives their personal and desired result which is why this procedure is incredibly sought after. While Pop Culture and Reality TV have influenced this trend, beautiful buttocks have been in vogue throughout history.
How do you figure out what kind of buttocks you want?
Research has shown that regardless of height, weight, or ethnicity that a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 is considered attractive and healthy in women and 0.9-1 in men. This is calculated by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement at its widest point. Despite these findings, today’s women do express some ethnic variations in desired buttock shape. Caucasians want a more athletic build with conservative projection, and slight lateral dimples. Asians prefer a small to moderate shapely buttocks with no lateral fullness. Many Hispanics tend to prefer more projection with slight lateral fullness. African Americans tend to prefer more projection with full lateral buttocks and thighs. We can shape your buttocks to give you the results that are best for you and the look that you desire!
What are the characteristics of beautiful buttocks?
Beautiful buttocks also have some additional distinguishing features including pre-sacral or Venus dimples, a short buttock fold no more than 2/3 of the width of the thigh, a sacral triangle and slight lateral depressions. There is also no excess fat in any of the surrounding areas of the body that frame the buttocks like the back, waist, thighs, hips. How close you get to these ideal targets postop depends on where you begin. Preoperative shape, buttock projection, skin tightness, skin laxity, and the amount of surrounding fat are the features that determine your outcome after surgery.
How does buttock shape affect Brazilian Buttock lift results?
There are 4 general buttock shapes including the A Shape, the V Shape, the Square Shape and the Round Shape. The V shape is by far the most difficult to correct. A, Square and Round shapes are easier to correct. Skin that is too tight prevents augmentation with fat and skin that is too loose will prevent adequate lifting and shaping. Just a little bit of looseness without drooping with good skin tone is the best. Some buttock projection is also good so that available fat can be transferred for adequate shaping. Excessive flatness can be improved but is more difficult to correct completely.
How much fat is enough for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Ideal candidates for a BBL have enough fat of the abdomen, love handles, back and inner thighs for liposuction. A general guide is that you need 2-3 times as much fat to liposuction as you need for injection. If you don’t have extra fat, there is nothing to inject and shape the buttock. The minimum amount of fat that you typically need is two liters (enough fat to fill a two-liter soda pop bottle) of fat for removal with liposuction to give you at least 500 cc of fat for each side to give significant augmentation. Your skin should be in good condition or have a small amount of laxity but not be so loose that the buttocks is drooping. Notwithstanding these limitations, BBL is a very effective procedure for contouring unfavorable buttock features.