Stretch marks are one of the most frustrating cosmetic issues among both women and men. Though they are harmless features, they can be embarrassing and make a person feel uncomfortable in his or her own skin. Stretch marks are those squiggly lines, which may appear pink, gray, red, or white. They can be found in many areas throughout the body, such as the thighs, stomach, arms, legs, and chest/breasts.
If you already have stretch marks, you may be interested in purchasing a topical product that promises stretch mark healing. For the most part, however, these are a waste of money. Unfortunately, there isn’t a “cure” for stretch marks. And even though many people may think liposuction is the answer to this problem, this surgical procedure is not designed to improve the appearance of stretch marks; liposuction is intended to remove excess pockets of fat through a particular suctioning technique. A liposuction technique may help to reduce fullness in the area by getting rid of excess fatty tissue, but it will not improve or remove stretch marks. In fact, there is a chance that liposuction may make stretch marks worse, and even more noticeable.
In terms of preventing stretch marks from developing, there is no proven, single-handed method. For most people, these markings are from genetics; if your mom has stretch marks, then you are more likely to get them too. Other factors that cause stretch marks are growth spurts, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, bodybuilding, and the intake of certain medications and steroids. Some of the best ways to avoid getting stretch marks is to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet (in order to avoid gaining excessive amounts of weight), and receive regular massages to keep your blood flowing.
If you would like to learn about your body contouring options, and how to improve upon the areas that can be treated with cosmetic surgery, please feel free to contact Dr. Shah. You can do so by calling his practice, Columbus Institute of Plastic Surgery, at (614) 482-2123.